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The Hannah Advantage


Searchable Government Archives

Find current and past state legislation, as well as archived government documents, legislators’ voting histories and more.

Government Contact Management

Contact legislators by email or letters. Also create contact sheets, address labels or name tags with our proprietary contact management software.


Legislation Tracking Service

Receive alerts when bills change status, legislation is introduced that affects a particular section of state law, or when committee meetings are rescheduled.

State Government News

Know what’s happening at the Capitol and around state government with Hannah News’ online tools and time-savers.


Legislative Reporting Software

Keep others in the know about pending and passed legislation with easy to read reports that can be emailed, embedded, or published in your newsletter.

People on the Ground

Hannah News has offices and personnel in each of the four state capitols we serve in order to better assist our clients as they monitor government.

For Those Who Need to Know

Be the first to know and first to act. Hannah News provides statehouse news and legislative software to organizations monitoring, lobbying, and impacting state government.

From law firms to educators and associations, leading policy makers depend on Hannah’s online databases, print publications, and services to support and enhance their legislative activities.
