Receive automated alerts from our system when bills change status, legislation is introduced that affects a particular section of state law, or when committee meetings are rescheduled.
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It takes just seconds to tell Capitol Connection which bills or code sections you care about in Ohio and Illinois. Automated and in real-time, our emailed alerts keep users organized and help them from wasting time as they track legislation.
Track only the news articles from around Ohio that affect you, your clients, your company or your membership with this comprehensive clipping service. Program your customized alerts just once, and receive updates year-round.
Input the Kentucky Revised Statutes Sections that affect you, your organization or your clients and be alerted when bills are introduced that might change them. Then, track each bill with a click, and our system will create a custom committee schedule and alert you to any changes.
Track and follow bills with a click, and use our system to create legislative updates to keep your own clients, members or superiors in the know about important bills working their way through the system in Indianapolis.