Keep others in the know about pending and passed legislation with professional and easy-to-read reports that can be emailed, imbedded in a website, or published in your own newsletter. Inform clients or members about which legislators truly have their interests at heart by sharing voting report cards, too.


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Watching how legislators vote is made much less complicated, and communicating which incumbents should be re-elected or replaced is a breeze when Statehouse denizens have The Complete Statehouse at their fingertips. This product is available in Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois and Indiana.
The parent product of ActionTRACK, Capitol Connection is the home of the best legislation-reporting software in the country, and users can utilize it in Ohio and Illinois.
Like our flagship product in other states, our website in Kentucky offers lightning-fast report-generation capability so users can keep their clients, members and superiors informed about new and pending legislation. In addition, they can personalize the updates with their own insight and comments.
Reporting to others and keeping them engaged in the legislative process is streamlined in Indiana with our comprehensive and customizable online tools. Don’t let the details keep you from informing others about the bills that are important to them and their interests.
Available in all four states – Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois and Indiana – this weekly synopsis of government-related news is a snap to include on your legislative update(s). Just click a box and The Week in Review is added to the end of each report.